Right now I'm just going to tell you some jokes. Okay. Why did the ant crawl up the elephant's leg a second time? 'Cause he got pissed off. Here's another one. What goes like this: Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pop! A bee buzzing his head off. What do hands eat? Knuckle sandwiches. What's the definiation of bread? Raw toast. Here's a story;
There was three racoons living in a village. There was a river near by that they called the Holy Water, which was forbidden to drink from. One day, they came upon a genie. The genie told them that if they did something bad for 24 hours, they could drink from the Holy Water. So the racoons left and came back in 24 hours. The genie said to the first racoon,"What did you do?" The first racoon said,"I robbed five banks." "Good," the genie said, "go drink from the Holy Water." The genie said to the second racoon,"What did you do?" "I stole 57 purses," the second racoon said. "Good," the genie said,"go drink from the Holy Water." The genie said to the third racoon,"What did you do?" The third racoon said,"I peed in the Holy Water."
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
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